Hosted by:

Edited by:

Recording date:

Editing date:

Release date:



⚠️ Please follow all of our pre recording checks to ensure the best possible results.

  • Connect mic and headphones.
  • Close unnecessary running programs.
  • Open recording software and ‘Save As’.
  • Check recording software is picking up the correct mic.
  • Do a quick record test and playback.
  • Open Skype or other program to connect with guest.
  • Lower computer volume to a reasonable level to prevent the mic picking up sound from your headphones.
  • Record a backup recording (either of yourself or of group recording) if/whenever possible.
  • Begin recording and monitor it throughout the session.


  • New opening theme music. (With info)


  • Hello and welcome back to Cloister Bell. A Doctor Who podcast brought to you by the generous support of our Patrons – and hosted by us…
  • Greetings and catch ups.
  • What is coming up today?

News (10m)

  • Any news?
  • Spoiler news if any after the end credits.

Latest on Patreon (15m)

  • Welcome new patrons.
  • Latest content.
  • Patreon poll results.
  • Mention Patreon benefits.

  • Promote the POLLING STATION.
    • Promote our Message Boards.
  • Welcome any new members.
  • Congratulate members for recent achievements.

Story plot (20m)

Read out the brief story summary.

Cast and crew

Discuss the cast and crew.

Main discussion (25m)

Break down and discuss the story.


Now lets visit the POLLING STATION at and see what everyone thinks about Logopolis.

  • Read poll results.
  • Read out feedback from the POLLING STATION.
  • Check socials, Discord, email and Patreon for additional feedback.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your opinions about the story. Please visit the POLLING STATION at and cast your vote on the next story we’ll be discussing. You can also send us a written response or a 1 minute voice clip via email to

You can also still cast your vote on The Fires of Pompeii as the polls will remain open.


Liam & Rob each give their rating and conclusion. Good/Average/Bad.


  • Don’t want to wait until next week? Listen to the next episode RIGHT NOW over on Patreon!
  • Are we having a post credits chat?

Closing music

  • Play closing theme.
  • Post credit chat. (Optional)

Set date for next time…