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How do you rate Doctor Who: Sword of Orion (Eighth Doctor/Big Finish)

Simply click on your preferred option above and then press ‘Vote’ to cast your opinion. Every vote counts!

Step 2. Write some feedback

Leave some feedback in the comments below and we’ll read them out on the podcast.

Thanks for participating! We’ll read out your feedback on the podcast.


Author: Rob

I’m Rob. Co host/co founder of the podcast since 2018. I live in Newcastle in the North East of England. According to google I live a mere 19 minute drive away from my co-host Liam (although I can get there in 10 I’m sure).

6 Replies to “POLLING STATION – Sword of Orion”

  1. Andrew Storr says:

    This was the story that started me off on my Eighth Doctor journey. The story intrigued me so I bought his whole first season, and the next, and the next… There were no regrets, no tears, no anxiety. I went forward and loved every minute of this continuing ride.

  2. Andrew Buckley says:

    I remember being quite surprised by all the negative reviews I read of this at the time. I thought McGann was very Doctorish and the settings were all atmospheric. I love the Garrazone bazaar which we revisit many times after this and I also enjoy the story and its treatment of the Cybermen. That first eighth Doctor season was so exciting to this fan particularly as it felt like the only performed continuation we would ever have!

    1. Rob
      Rob says:

      I wasn’t really aware of how people responded to this negatively which is interesting. I’ll have to check out some reviews.

  3. Kenny Smith says:

    I hadn’t heard the AV version, at the time of the BF release, so it came with a huge reputation. I loved Deeva and the notion of a Star Destroyer full of dormant Cybermen, is superb.


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