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How do you rate Doctor Who: The Unquiet Dead?

Simply click on your preferred option above and then press ‘Vote’ to cast your opinion. Every vote counts!

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Author: Rob

I’m Rob. Co host/co founder of the podcast since 2018. I live in Newcastle in the North East of England. According to google I live a mere 19 minute drive away from my co-host Liam (although I can get there in 10 I’m sure).

4 Replies to “POLLING STATION – The Unquiet Dead”

  1. Marty McLean says:

    Absolutely love this episode! It has everything that interests me. Ghosts, Dickens, Victorian inspired fashion bought from the discount bin at the Cybershop, puns upon puns (Dickens proclaiming ’What the Shakespeare’ is an oft overlooked gem), the implication that Gwyneth had a sibling (unless she went round with the butcher’s boy and had a baby out of wedlock! Scandalous!) which resulted in the best example of spacial genetic multiplicity since… well since RTD invented it to satisfy his own fanboy brain.

    Mark Gatiss won’t write anything this good until An Adventure In Space And Time.

    I had the Doctor Who volume 1 DVD as a kid. This was by far, the most rewatched episode out of the 3 on it.

    1. Rob
      Rob says:

      Thanks Marty. We agreed that is one of Gatiss’ best. In fact we couldn’t even remember what else he’d wrote!

  2. Sonia says:

    I liked this episode but it’s not one that I think back to often. I like the victorian christmasness, and Dickens is great. I love the Doctor & Rose. I think its an enjoyable watch but not the best christmas episode. Its probably one if the better Mark Gatis episodes.

    1. Rob
      Rob says:

      Thanks Sonia. It’s not one I revisit often either but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would!


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